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Day 3: Striking poses as the distance closes!

Writer's picture: 2018 Boot Camp 5 member2018 Boot Camp 5 member

Date: 4th July 2018, Wednesday

Location: Guanshan Township -> Yuli

Distance: 67.8km  

We made a visit to East Rift Valley National Scenic Area Administration and do

volunteer services in Yuli Bikeway. We helped to pick rubbish in the bikeway in order to

keep it clean. People in Taiwan are very disciplined, we could barely find any rubbish to pick

along the bikeway. We also enjoy the beautiful scene along the road, which had mountains with lots of terrace and pretty views. 

Members Reflections:

Today's cycling was not too challenging as we cycled straight along the Bikeway. It was a very exciting and happy day. We stopped at a wheat farm and well as an animal park which had a little park along with it. I am so glad we got to make so many memories together whether they were merry or not, I will cherish them!

第三天的行程是由關山到瑞穗, 最印象深刻的是原先的計劃是到達玉里火車站便乘搭區間車到瑞穗, 但意想不到是我們比預定時間到達火車站, 令行程頓時多了很多的空檔。此時我們有兩個選擇, 再於三小時內踏三十公里的自行車, 或是於玉里或瑞穗找一些地方參觀。在一番討論下我們都決定挑戰三十公里, 踏自行車到瑞穗。然而我們亦成功在入黑前抵達目的地。在一個意想不到的時侯, 若果我們選擇了坐火車, 我們不會認識自己的能力, 亦不能留下深刻回憶。


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© 2018 Julian Liew, Fernando and 17 members of this tour. All Rights Reserved. Information and photos in this website are proprietary, and are not to be used for commercial or any money making purposes. Individuals who wish to use any of these for non-commercial purposes, please acknowledge source of this website.

This activity, supported by the Division of Business, UOW College Hong Kong, is a student led and managed adventure served to enrich quality campus life and enable whole person development.


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