Date: 9th July 2018, Monday
Location: Taipei City
Members Reflections:
It’s the last day of boot camp fly! It was too short for me! We rented some shared bikes to visit different places in Taipei such as Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, 44 South Village and 228 Peace Memorial Park. It was my first time to rent a shared bike and visit Taipei City by cycling. It was a good experience and way to visit a town. Also, we visited Taipei 101 and took some selfies there. It was a great building with unique design and outlook. This trip is unforgettable and excellent. Hope I can join as an alunmi in the future.
台灣的最後一天,我們租了共享單車,前往台北不同的景點如:中正紀念堂和台北101大樓等等⋯⋯ 當天的天氣風和日麗,成員們都把握機會拍下很多相片。