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About Us

Being students from UOW College Hong Kong, this graduation challenge is bringing together 17 students to conquer this challenge which is student-led and managed as a semester end, non-credit bearing project. Following the footsteps of our seniors, we hope to conquer this challenge to the very best of our ability.


This year,  continuing from the previous few years, we are taking this challenge to Taiwan! This Cycling Graduation Challenge is part of the Career-Personal-Academic Development (C.P.A.) Initiatives embodied by the Programme of Accountancy. C.P.A. Initiatives are developed with the aim to improve the quality of campus life and promotes whole person development of Accountancy students. Throughout this challenge, not only would we learn to cherish friendships, but we will be pushed beyond our comfort zones. As students, none of us are professional cyclists, which tests our physical and mental limits as we cycling through the beautiful city of Taiwan!


In order to prepare ourselves for the challenge, we begin with planning the journey and training our endurance and muscles in Hong Kong, followed by the cycling that will take place in Taiwan along with sightseeing in the city.

Photo taken during the 1st training in Tai Shui Hang

About Us

© 2018 Julian Liew, Fernando and 17 members of this tour. All Rights Reserved. Information and photos in this website are proprietary, and are not to be used for commercial or any money making purposes. Individuals who wish to use any of these for non-commercial purposes, please acknowledge source of this website.

This activity, supported by the Division of Business, UOW College Hong Kong, is a student led and managed adventure served to enrich quality campus life and enable whole person development.


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