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Day 7: May our wishes come true

Writer's picture: 2018 Boot Camp 5 member2018 Boot Camp 5 member

Date: 8th July 2018, Sunday

Location: Taipei City

Members Reflections:

As of yesterday we officially finished cycling in Taiwan. And today we explored Taipei. We got to observe people's way of life in Taipei and make comparison with people from other region of Taiwan. To begin the day we take the local train to go Shifen. As we walk through to station, we observed various store and what kind of product they sold ,which of them were popular and they were different from what we have in Hong Kong. After an hour of ride in the train we went to Shifen, the place was pack with people lighting wish lanterns, people in the middle railway tracks taking picture. The sidewalk was bustling the delicious smell of local street food. It was a amazing sight to see and pleasurable experience. Then later we bought a latern, learnt about the history of the wish lantern and it various symbolic meaning and at we lit and it fly. That evening we had a festive fellowship hotpot dinner. To commemorate our experience together as a team going through tour de Taiwan challenge. The food was great.

到了第七天,今日是比較輕鬆的一天。我們早上搭火車去菁桐,十份。去到菁桐,我們去了一間餐館食飯,在食飯途中,Julian 叫我們回憶一下他在之前幾日同我們所講過的說話,並說說我們從中學到甚麼。我最記得的一句是:「做任何事情都會有因果,不要只顧慮一個因,而忽略了果。」令我都反思到,自己在做事時,有時沒有理會後果就做事,結果令到件事變得複雜。去到十份,我們一齊放天燈,將願望交托給天上。雖然我們一起快樂的時光過得特別快,但是這些時刻永遠都會儲存在我們的心中。


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