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Day 6: Last cycling day

Writer's picture: 2018 Boot Camp 5 member2018 Boot Camp 5 member

Date: 7th July 2018, Saturday

Location: Yilan -> Taipei

Distance: 78.4km

On day 6, we went to Cape Santiago Lighthouse, where there are lots of beautiful landscapes near the coastline on the way to the lighthouse. To get to the top of the lighthouse, was beyond challenging. With a long, narrow, steep slope uphill to the lighthouse, we all cycled, pushed and made our way up completing both the cycling part of the challenge and the most challenging part of this whole tour!

Members Reflections:

On day 6 of boot camp 5, we firstly had to cycle through No.2 Provincial Road, I could see some awesome seascape when we were cycling along this road since the route is just near the coastline. In order to get to Cape Santiago Lighthouse, there was a narrow road with a long and steep slope uphill, which was the most challenged part for the whole tour. Everyone only felt trudged and tired while cycling up the hill, I also wanted to give up at that time because it seemed unachievable, but my mindset told me once if I give up and get off bicycle, then I become a failure and cannot break past my own limitations. After we cycled the long road, we finally got on the Cape Santiago Lighthouse, I felt so motivated and grateful. What I learned after overcoming difficulties in this cycling tour is everyone also has numerous challenges and difficulties in their life, but if you never give up and having a positive attitude to face anything, all the challenges and difficulties can be overcome.

第六天是我們最後一天騎單車的日子,我們這天由礁溪騎往福隆。這一天的路程並不長,約莫四十公里,但這四十公里卻是我期待已久的一段路,一直以來,我都很嚮往左面被山所擁抱,右面被無際的大海所包圍,而這一天我終於能有這種經歷。我們沿海岸線往北騎,沿路還攀上了台灣極東點三貂角燈塔。在此前已經騎了五天車的我們早已精疲力竭,我們艱苦登上台灣極東點三貂角燈塔,那刻心中萌生難以掩蓋的感動和喜悅,看着一望無際的太平洋更是不禁高聲吶喊盡情釋放心中之情。 這次我們從台東一直騎單車騎到福隆共三百多公里,雖說三百公里說不上很長,但對於我這個不擅運動體能又不太好的人而言,它的的確確是個挑戰。個人感受方面,這次八天的行程中發生許多預料之外的事情,同時亦給予我一個認清自己有多麼渺小以及不足的機會。旅程中,大大小小的事故使我感受甚深,比如隊友受傷要送醫院、公路中我們各自都忽略了安全問題以致險象環生等等。這些事讓我深切地體會何謂憂人之憂、推己及人、易地而處,站在他人的角度去想當下別心到底會擔心甚麼繼而提出支援等。此外我亦有感受到人情味,整個車隊及隊友之間都是互相支持,我最深刻是爬坡上鹿野高台時,到達頂點前眼前就是一眾到達了的隊友在為我打氣,讓我溫暖非常;還有沿路車隊時刻關心,前後守望相助都是十分難能可貴的閱歷。同時,這八天一直由台東較為鄉野的地區騎到城市化的台北,沿路由農田到逐漸有規模的城市,這一路的變化也好比我們一路上慢慢的進步、提升自我,當然我無貶低鄉野地區的意思,一路上的景觀、人物、生活讓我體會了一個與大眾認知不一樣的台灣。


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© 2018 Julian Liew, Fernando and 17 members of this tour. All Rights Reserved. Information and photos in this website are proprietary, and are not to be used for commercial or any money making purposes. Individuals who wish to use any of these for non-commercial purposes, please acknowledge source of this website.

This activity, supported by the Division of Business, UOW College Hong Kong, is a student led and managed adventure served to enrich quality campus life and enable whole person development.


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