Date: 3rd July 2018, Tuesday
Location: Taitung -> Guanshan Township
Distance: 52.6km
Cycling began with a bang! We started our cycling journey from Taitung this morning. Fortunately, the weather is nice and bright. Our first stop was the Tea farm. There we tried tons of different teas that were grown in different oxygen levels that brought a huge difference in its color and taste. We also learnt how the farmers there plant and pluck the tea leaves.
Next up, Luye Gaotai, also known as the International Balloon Festival. It was a tough ride uphill, but once we all made it, we all felt a strong sense of achievement!!
Members Reflections:
Today was the first cycling day in our trip. First we went to the tea house, where we learned how to taste different teas and learned more about growing tea. And then we cycling to Luyeh Hill. It was difficult to ride this mountain. At first, some people already fell behind. But at last, everyone could finally insist on riding up. Although it was very challenging, but ultimately we could all succeed!! Finally we went to betel nut trail. It was very beautiful, but unfortunately half of the area was flattened. I understand that I have to cherish everything in front of me, I didn't want to wait and lose sight of what was in front of me. Hoping for the remaining three days, everyone will cherish the time of cycling together.
挑戰的第二天,亦是騎單車的第一天!我們在香港經歷了很多的練習和訓練後,終於開始我們的環島挑戰!這天的路程絕不容易,我們由台東騎到鹿野高台,然後再到關山,全長接近60km, 當中到359米海拔的鹿野高台更有連綿不斷的上坡路程。在到達鹿野高台前,我們先參觀了茶園,體驗了當地的紅烏龍菜,亦由菜園的職員中了解了品茶和採茶的過程,過程中增加了我們對茶葉的認識。其後,我們全員成功到達鹿野高台,亦在此品嚐了台灣的便當。到了下午,我們去了關山自行車道,欣賞了當地的景色,到了晚上,我們探訪了當地原住民的其中一個族群-阿美族,他們為我們準備了一些民族舞蹈表演和美味的地道美食,令我們有難忘的回憶!